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Mary & Dottie’s Story

Mary & Dottie are friends and residents in Independent Living at Meadowcrest. Hear them chat about gaining freedom from home maintenance and what it looks like to live “life your way.” From the beautiful apartments and community, full activities calendars, to new friendships—including each other! Hear why they think you should come see Meadowcrest for yourself!

Joyce’s Story

Joyce is thrilled that her Aunt Mary calls our Compass Memory Care neighborhood home. As a lifelong teacher and traveler, Mary is thriving in the bright, open, and social community, while Joyce has seen how moving to Meadowcrest has improved both of their lives!

Laurie & Gretta’s Story

When Gretta came to Meadowcrest for a respite stay while her son-in-law was recovering from surgery, she never imagined that this short stay would turn her into a permanent resident—and social butterfly. Hear Gretta and her daughter Laurie chat about all the ways Meadowcrest surprised them and how it’s improved their lives.

Beverly’s Story

Beverly is one of Meadowcrest’s first Independent Living residents, and is glad she decided to make the move! Hear from Beverly about why she chose to call Meadowcrest home, how she’s more active & fitter than ever, and just some of the things she loves about living here!

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