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Meadowcrest Construction Update: December

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Just two short months after breaking ground, Meadowcrest at Middletown is beginning to take shape.

The team has been incredibly busy—preparing and demolishing existing structures on the site, digging the basement, setting up the building pad for footers, and installing the access road on the right side of the site. In the coming months, we’ll see water lines going in, footers being stalled, and foundations being poured. In early spring, we’ll even begin to see some walls going up!

Check out the video below to see how things are coming along:

We can’t wait to see how the building continues to progress and the community environment keeps building. We have a growing list of depositors who are embracing the lifestyle that Meadowcrest will offer and would love to talk to you!

Interested in learning more? Contact our team at (302) 828-0987 or [email protected].

Written by Quinna Staten

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