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Benefits of Music Therapy for Seniors

2 seniors sit on a couch in a well-lit room. Both are singing joyfully, 1 is playing guitar.

Humans have been creating and enjoying music for thousands of years. Music can make us feel, dance, and remember; things that become more important as we get older.  For seniors, the benefits of music are especially profound; offering physical, emotional, and cognitive support through personalized music therapy. In this blog, we’ll explore the many ways […]

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How Occupational Therapy Can Prevent Senior Falls

An older adult man undergoing occupational therapy.

Maintaining balance and mobility is important at any age, however, the older we get, the more of a challenge balance and mobility becomes. Falls among older adults are not only common but can also have serious consequences, ranging from minor injuries to fractures and even fatalities.  However, there’s good news: occupational therapy (OT) offers effective […]

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When Is It Time For Independent Living?

Inside foyer of Meadowcrest at Middletown independent living.

The golden years of retirement bring forth a host of decisions, including the vital choice of where to live. For many seniors, downsizing from the family home to a more manageable living situation is a significant step.  Enter independent living communities: havens for seniors who can essentially care for themselves but are seeking a lifestyle […]

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