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Do You Bring Your Own Furniture to Assisted Living?

The photo, shows a common living area for patients inside an assisted living facility, there's a four-sitter gray colored couch, and a long wooden center table, and on the side of the room, there are several four-seater wooden tables and metal frame chairs.

Furnishing Your New Home There are many benefits to moving into a senior living community. Without the responsibilities of home care and household chores, seniors can focus on activities and experiences that help them thrive. Yet, moving to a new space means making a moving plan—and deciding what to take with you. Before you can […]

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10 Tips for Communicating with a Person with Dementia

Two smiling residents working on a puzzle together with an aide.

Aging and transitioning into a new lifestyle can be a challenging process. The presence of dementia can add to that challenge. Finding the right community for your loved one is essential to ensuring they have a high quality of life. Let’s look at how dementia can affect your loved one, including 10 tips for communicating […]

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How to Keep Good Mental Health While Aging

Image of a shape of a head cutout from a piece of paper made up of puzzle pieces, with two pieces removed.

Many older adults find it difficult to accept the aging process, with physical changes and accompanying mental health challenges. After all, we’re aware mental health can decline with age.  Around 15% of adults aged 60 and over have a mental disorder. However, there are things seniors can do to keep their minds active while working […]

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What Is It Like Living in a Retirement Community?

A group of residents sitting around a table and laughing while enjoying coffee and cake.

Adults 65 and over are the largest growing population segment in the United States. As the population ages, the demand for retirement communities expects to increase. People are living longer, and while they still wish to maintain their independence, many also have more difficulties with daily living. Retirement communities provide housing, services, and amenities so […]

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Top Reasons for Moving to a Senior Living Community

A smiling mature resident is sitting with and petting her dog on the couch.

Moving to a senior living community can be a huge step for an aging adult. Even if a person can still take care of themselves in the day-to-day things, eventually maintaining a household—and everything that goes along with that—becomes too much for someone to do by themselves. A major misconception about senior communities is that […]

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What Makes a Good Senior Carer?

A smiling female health aide rubs the shoulders of a mature woman during a visit.

What Makes a Good Senior Carer? Must-Have Qualities for Caregivers There’s a difference between a caregiver and a good caregiver. Just like there’s a difference between a teacher and your favorite teacher. Of course, receiving education or training is a must, but being a good carer requires more. When a caregiver provides excellent care, it […]

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