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When Is It Time For Independent Living?

Inside foyer of Meadowcrest at Middletown independent living.

The golden years of retirement bring forth a host of decisions, including the vital choice of where to live. For many seniors, downsizing from the family home to a more manageable living situation is a significant step.  Enter independent living communities: havens for seniors who can essentially care for themselves but are seeking a lifestyle […]

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What Causes Hormone Imbalance in Seniors?

A senior woman with glasses sitting on a couch appears to be sad and looking outside the window.

As seniors age, it’s natural for them to experience changes throughout their body—like a shift in their hormone production.  Hormones play an essential role in your body’s natural functions, but they’re susceptible to many factors that can change their production and lead to a hormonal imbalance. But what exactly causes a hormonal imbalance in seniors? […]

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How to Talk to Someone with Short-Term Memory Loss

A senior man and his daughter sitting on a couch smiling and talking to each other while holding a cup of tea.

It can be frustrating and challenging communicating with someone who is suffering from short-term memory loss, but there are steps you can take to make the communication process smoother and more effective.  With a bit of knowledge concerning memory care, you can learn how to approach caring for someone with short-term memory loss without experiencing […]

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