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What Causes Caregiver Burnout?

A female caregiver holding a senior woman's hand while looking at her and smiling.

Caring for a loved one can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it also puts caregivers at risk of burnout. Many factors contribute to caregiver burnout, such as the emotional demands of caregiving, conflicting demands, the ambiguity of roles, workload, and lack of privacy.  Understanding the causes and symptoms to look out for, as well […]

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Can Diabetes Cause Memory Loss?

Senior bearded man with alzheimer desease sitting and suffering from headache.

It’s estimated that more than 37 million Americans have diabetes, and are responsible for managing high blood pressure and the other symptoms that come with the condition.   If not properly managed, diabetes can lead to more severe complications and harm your overall health, including cognitive issues like memory loss. If the challenges of managing diabetes […]

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Does Early Onset Alzheimer’s Progress Faster?

A silhouette image of a human head and part of it getting erased using a pencil eraser. A representation of memory loss.

Under normal circumstances, deciding how you want to live when you retire isn’t typically a complicated decision. And no one wants to think how the possibility of needing memory care after developing Alzheimer’s or dementia could affect their retirement decision, let alone wondering about developing it earlier in life. As if Alzheimer’s wasn’t destructive enough […]

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Senior Safety: Preventing Falls in the Bathroom

Image of a mature adult's hand holding a grab bar.

Bathroom use can become more difficult for seniors with time, making falls a greater risk. However, these falls are preventable, whether with a specially designed or better-organized bathroom.  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 3 million seniors visit the emergency room yearly for falls. With the risk falls can have for older […]

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Do You Bring Your Own Furniture to Assisted Living?

The photo, shows a common living area for patients inside an assisted living facility, there's a four-sitter gray colored couch, and a long wooden center table, and on the side of the room, there are several four-seater wooden tables and metal frame chairs.

Furnishing Your New Home There are many benefits to moving into a senior living community. Without the responsibilities of home care and household chores, seniors can focus on activities and experiences that help them thrive. Yet, moving to a new space means making a moving plan—and deciding what to take with you. Before you can […]

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10 Tips for Communicating with a Person with Dementia

Two smiling residents working on a puzzle together with an aide.

Aging and transitioning into a new lifestyle can be a challenging process. The presence of dementia can add to that challenge. Finding the right community for your loved one is essential to ensuring they have a high quality of life. Let’s look at how dementia can affect your loved one, including 10 tips for communicating […]

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